Kafkas University

Kafkas University is a public university founded in 1992. Its central campus is located in Kars, a city in the north–east of Turkey near the borders of Caucasian countries, Georgia and Armenia.
Kafkas University is on the way to become a university addressing the entire region with its faculties, vocational higher schools and graduate institutions scattered across nearby cities and towns. When it was first founded in 1992, there was only the faculty of veterinary sciences as an affiliation of Ataturk University, Erzurum, a historical city 200 kilometres northwest of Kars. Today, according to the 2007 statistics, there are a total of 12651 (including 2 foreign) students and a total of 469 academic and 351 administrative staff members. The university is currently considered to be one of the most significant and developing universities in the eastern Anatolian region.

Kafkas University is composed of 6 faculties (Veterinary, Medicine, Science and letters, Education, Forestry, Economics and Administrative Sciences) with a total of 40 undergraduate programs, including 9 vocational schools (2 health schools and a school of physical education and sport), and 3 graduate schools (Social Sciences, Health Sciences and, Basic and Applied Sciences). There are also 4 research centres – centre for the Research and Application of Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, Animal Husbandry Research and Application Centre, Caucasian and Central Asian Research centre and Strategic Research Centre. Moreover, there is a conservatory.
Kafkas Üniversitesi Rektörlüðü Paþaçayýrý 36300/ KARS
 0 (474) 242 68 00 / 01 / 02 / 03 / 04/ 05 / 06
0 (474) 242 68 72
General Sec.  0 (474) 242 68 28   
 FAX  0 (474) 242 68 47 
 E-MAIL  [email protected]  
 WEBMASTER  [email protected]